This week has been crazy. Beautiful weather causing me to pace up and down next to wet fields and nighttime temperatures just low enough to make me hesitant to move the tomato seedlings out of the house for another few days had me climbing up the walls. So much to do and all of it dependent on forces beyond my control and likely to all need to be done at the same time.
The chickens got one last bucket of fall kale when it was finally dry enough for me to get a tractor and tiller in the ground.
Robert finished putting plastic on the end walls of the greenhouse. He actually used the plastic panels from the broken greenhouse to build the end walls and I think it looks fantastic.
The tulips are steadily growing and so far not blooming. After last year’s super early, super short tulips, I’m hoping this crop makes up for last year.
The sugar snap peas finally poked through the ground early this week, just when I was about to give up on them and they have definitely liked this week’s warmer weather.
Mary and I finished getting the pea trellis ready early in the week while we were waiting on dry ground and warmer weather.
Finally, today. We spent the better part of the day playing with the bed raiser/mulch layer. Robert took the afternoon off to help Mary and I figure it out and we all learned a lot from it.
Thankfully, no one was injured and we didn’t kill each other. While our new beds aren’t as pretty as I’m confident future beds will be, they are raised and we did get one bed planted before it got dark.
And apparently my rows aren’t any straighter in a bed of plastic than they have ever been. That’s okay though, I get to plant tomorrow!