This is a new event added to the summer’s 2-year old Olympics. It’s the bucket jump. We look for height… a good landing… and the ability to maintain control of your watermelon. A good smile never hurts your score either.
Category Archives: Rattle’s Garden
While you won’t see many pictures of me on this blog because I am definitely more comfortable behind a camera than in front of it, this rare photo caught me with two of my favorite subjects so I thought I’d go ahead and post it. Monster Milan’s first ride on one of our horses. While […]
For about a week now we’ve been finding pullet eggs everywhere. I expected this to start around September but don’t mind one bit that it started sooner considering it means we aren’t far off from picking up about fifty eggs a day. I thought I’d take a picture of a few of them to show […]
The dogs were making such a racket this morning I knew we had some sort of company and I wasn’t surprised at who it was. There were actually five of them but the first took off right away as I came around the corner of the deck. They are working on cleaning up the last […]
Yesterday afternoon, Monster Milan and I had a nice visit from one of last summer’s Hendrix interns, Andrew. Andrew was not only a great benefit to the farm but had a great relationship with Milan. Andrew loves children and he and Milan clicked from the start. He’s made a point of dropping in to visit […]
After last year’s failed fall broccoli planting, I’m trying again. Maybe?? Maybe.
All was well till Jody decided she wanted a drink. The resulting outburst took me back to sitting in the backseat of a car with my sister growing up…”Stop touching me! MOM!” Shove. Then I guess he thought she had the right idea. Stinker.
I love blister beetles. They’re so versatile. Just when you think you can’t possibly match another vegetable to a striped blister beetle they call in their cousins to accommodate. Welcome the black blister beetle. They go well with eggplant. I love blister beetles.
So I’m cheating a little bit this week. I don’t have a flower in bloom on this farm after a week with temps of 110, 107, 108, etc…The good news is while we only got a few drops yesterday, it rained a little bit last night and sprinkled on through the morning. Probably not a […]
I’m sitting here listening to a sound I haven’t heard in over eight weeks. Raindrops on our tin roof. Not a lot yet, but a few. With cloud cover to the west, maybe we stand a chance. For eight weeks we’ve watched it roll just north of us, never landing on our side of the […]