A few weeks ago we started clipping chicken wings. We do this every fall for that spring’s pullets to keep them in the half acre yard we’ve designated as theirs. Even though the feathers we clip in the fall grow back every year it seems that either the birds just get too heavy to go […]
Category Archives: Rattle’s Garden
While I haven’t had soil tests run this year, we have run soil tests a few times over the last few years and we have known for a while that our pH is low in most of our ground. Our ground tests between 5 and 5.5 and ideally for most vegetables it should be closer […]
Finally, we’ve gotten rain. Despite the weatherman predicting 100% chance of rain, Robert was sure that somehow it was all going to miss us. And yesterday afternoon as we watched it raining on the highway, eight hundred feet north of our house, yet felt no rain on us, I was starting to believe him. Finally […]
Known to most people as spiders, our farm is covered up with large black and yellow garden “byders”. And Milan is obsessed with them. So I thought I’d relay a conversation that happens 206,489 times a day around here. Milan: “Byder. Byder. Byder. MOM! Byder. MOM, BYDER!!! Me: “Really?” Milan: “Ooo. There is! See? See?” […]
I’m starting to feel like a broken record when I blog. It didn’t take long yesterday morning to see the pea patch (that I just posted pictures of on Friday) had been invaded overnight. It appears that we lost about twenty percent of the patch despite the radio being on and several of our vehicles parked around […]
This cat was having a peaceful evening. Until he ended up on Monster Milan’s radar. And it was determined that he must. have. a. pear. Lucky for me it appears he seems to have retained a hard learned spring lesson involving not stepping on trays of seedlings.
I think it’s possible that some of the worst damage the blister beetles did to us this year was keep me busy enough that I got behind starting seeds in time for some of the fall planting that I wanted to do. I went ahead and put a few things in the ground anyway…I guess […]
While not exactly on vacation, I am taking some time off from the farmers markets. This is not exactly by choice, but it’s where we are for this season. I thought I’d post a few pictures of why we are not at the markets right now. The bare dirt in this photo is the north […]
Monster Milan and I were checking on the progress of our last pea patch this afternoon. He moves much faster than I do. And much faster than Chacey. One night last week we actually got a few drops of rain so before going to bed we turned off the radio that we have been using […]
Heading to the coffeepot this afternoon gave me a good view of the deer our sleeping dogs were missing outside. While Robert’s first reaction is to find something that makes a really loud noise, I always head for a camera. And while these shots taken out our bathroom window aren’t great, they got interesting when […]