A few more greenhouse pictures from last weekend…
I was reminded this weekend that I am seriously slacking on blog posts lately and while I hate to make excuses for it all I can say is that February shouldn’t be this hard, y’all. February should still be a relatively easy month for us around the farm. We do some pruning and mulching and […]
Our spring intern from Hendrix, Mary. I think she is fantastic. So does Milan. Yesterday, Mary and I tried to finish trellising the sugar snap peas I planted last week. The four inches of rain we got Saturday night on top of already soggy ground though made walking in the pea patch nearly impossible. Instead […]
If you’ve followed this blog for very long, you’ll know our farm is involved with the internship program at Hendrix College in nearby Conway. This spring we have one intern helping us out from the college and as well as two individuals from Conway that will be volunteering on the farm over the next few […]
We had fantastic weather this weekend and spent much of the weekend outside. I thought I’d post a few pictures from the weekend. Seedlings in the caterpillar tunnel… Feeding kale to the chickens… Taking turns… Everyone helping put together the new greenhouse…
I thought it might be interesting to see what a bumper crop of sungolds almost paid for… This winter we sat down to prioritize what exactly the farm needs to help grow more food this year. We came up with four major capital investments that we would need over the next two years. These were […]
With a couple thousand seedlings germinated and needing a place to go and no functioning greenhouse, yesterday was definitely the time to get the caterpillar tunnel set up. I spent the morning potting up lettuce and broccoli seedlings and my spring intern from Hendrix showed up mid-afternoon to pitch in. Robert and my dad finished […]
I feel like over the years I become desensitized about a chicken dying. That used to be traumatic for me. Not like dog or horse traumatic, but traumatic nonetheless. It helped when my flock grew big enough that I couldn’t tell all of the birds apart and they didn’t all have names. Regardless, there are […]
I have totally slacked on progress reports about the walk-in cooler. Robert’s spent so much time working on it in the last two weeks and it’s almost done! We stalled out for a few days while we waited for an A/C unit to arrive-apparently you can’t just go to Home Depot and buy an A/C […]
The broken itty bitty greenhouse was finally dismantled last week. Before it came down though a few flats of lettuce and spinach starts peeked through the mess. As if to add insult to injury, one afternoon I looked out the window to see both cats enjoying the comfort of these seedlings in the afternoon sun. […]