Potting up Seedlings

Most of yesterday was spent potting up seedlings from the flats used to germinate seeds inside the house into 50-cell plug trays that we hauled out to the caterpillar tunnel.  The interns floated in and out throughout the day. I’m happy to say the broccoli and cauliflower all made it through last week’s cold nights with flying colors and welcomed yesterday’s sun. […]

Farm Visits – North Pulaski Farms

The second farm we went to yesterday was another neighbor of mine, North Pulaski Farms.  My friend Kelly is growing vegetables there on about the same amount of land as Eddie and I, yet has an entirely different operation.  He grows under a series of connected high tunnels which allow for extended season of the majority […]

Caterpillar Tunnel – part 1

In response to my incessant reminders regarding my need for more greenhouse space (I have started prefacing nearly every sentence with “If I had a bigger greenhouse…”) III decided to build me a caterpillar tunnel.  A great article explaining how to do this was in my last Growing for Market magazine.  And it just so happened that […]