Hello y’all! Woohoo! We made it through last week! The first week is always the hardest between last minute sign-ups and making sure everyone figures out where they need to be. To top it off, I had to be in a board meeting last Thursday, so Robert, Mike and the boys took care of the […]
We have three pickup options this year. You signed up for one when you sent in your membership agreement. That will remain your pickup location through the entire Farmshare. If you don’t know which one you signed up for, you need to contact me! I’m going to give three sets of instructions specific to each […]
Hello Farmshare members!! I can’t believe it is already time to start writing newsletters! We’ve had our heads so buried in planting that I haven’t thought about much else. I need to start by saying thanks to all of you for taking this ride with us this summer! It’s exciting to see so many returning […]
Despite last night’s cold and sleet, the planning and planting continues. With sun and 60 degrees on Thursday I planted our third round of beautiful Napoli carrots. Carrots have been a huge hit in the Farmshare baskets for the last two years so this year we doubled down with large succession plantings hoping to see […]
photo by Kevin Shalin Even though May is 5 months away, even though Christmas is barely behind us, it’s time again to make plans for the summer Farmshare. I’ve spent the last couple days finalizing decisions regarding the logistics of this summer’s Farmshare and updating paperwork and the website. The summer Farmshare is now officially […]
Last week our new high tunnel arrived on a truck. This week we started putting it together. Luckily for us, Robert has access to survey equipment through his job. Over the years he has surveyed all over our farm. Our project began with him using this equipment to drop pin flags I the ground where […]
For the first six years that we kept a flock of laying hens they roosted at night in a permanent coop and roamed during the day on about half an acre of ground fenced in around that coop. For six years, morning and night the chicken coop had to be opened and closed. When we […]
Last week I had a load of compost delivered from American Composting. This load will be used to top off the beds in the existing high tunnels and to build beds for the new tunnel we will be putting up over the next few months. It serves a dual purpose of being entertainment for two […]
I’ve fallen off the social media radar completely during the month of December. With beautiful December days, here is why…
This spring I was excited to accept a position on the advisory board for a multi-farm cooperative CSA called Foodshed Farms. Due to the timing of when we became involved in this program, and the size that our own Farmshare had grown this summer, we did not start producing vegetables for Foodshed Farms until late […]