Every spring I have trouble with spacing my rows far enough apart. It has taken several years of wading through plants to convince me to add two feet more than I want to when transplanting seedlings. From a distance it looks like I did a pretty good job with my cherry tomatoes this spring. Plenty […]
Who needs a pool?
How many hornworms do you see? The answer to a question I get asked a LOT is “Yes. I have my share of hornworms.” What do I do about them? Handpick them and feed them to the chickens.
Thanks to the blister bugs taking down the foliage on a large number of our tomato plants leaving tomatoes to scorch in the sun before ripening, the chickens are eating well right now. These are a few pictures of the compost pile in the chicken yard. The goats and the chickens have really played an […]
A couple of close-ups of our temporary deer fence. I didn’t realize we were stashing so many wheels around the farm…
My office this morning. With my co-workers…Chacey’s good at finding leaks in the irrigation lines. Jody’s good at…well, Jody’s just Jody and it’s hard work being Jody.
Our second patch of purple hull peas is in bloom. That means to get a crop of peas we need to keep the deer out for about the next three weeks. This will be no easy task when all of the grass and shrubs around us are dead or dying and my pea patch looks […]
We’re always so excited the first night we get to eat fresh squash every summer. After freezer vegetables all winter, nothing tastes like the first summer squash. However, even my very not picky husband will raise his eyebrows at being served some variety of squash for supper going on 58 nights in a row. Lucky […]
Last week was tough. The last few weeks haven’t been cake but last week was tough. I struggled all week for something positive to write about and just couldn’t find it. There is nothing easy about destroying something you’ve worked so hard for before it (literally) comes to fruition. I may have watched far too […]
Despite having a record week last week and record sales at Saturday’s market in Hillcrest, I’m feeling more than a little defeated tonight. I know by now my friends are getting sick of listening to me complain about blister beetles but what we saw tonight is almost indescribable. I spent so much time last week […]