Last year I planted 1000 tulips in a little over two hours in November. It was a beautiful day, my beds were nicely tilled. I used a hoe to make shallow trenches, dropped the bulbs in and raked crumbly, loose dirt over the top of them and spread a nice thick layer of hay mulch. […]
Author Archives: dathoang
My sister and I had Big Wheels. Which we pedaled in circles up and down my parent’s driveway for hours. I have vague recollections of a red tricycle before that but I definitely remember the Big Wheels. And then we had bikes. Around the time I was 10 we had a big old four wheeler […]
So the third present from the evening was just as exciting this morning. Thanks, Nana & Brampa!
So tonight we had a little Christmas party via Google+ with my family. Being hundreds of miles away from my parents in Iowa and my sister and brother-in-law in Washington, we are regular skypers but recently started using Google+ thanks to my sister and her husband. The big benefit here is video conferencing with multiple […]
This is the kind of thing that happens when you have a 17 month old loose in your house and no cupboard doors on your shelves. And when I say a toddler running loose I really mean standing less than two feet away from me. While I decided to make a late night batch of […]
III came home last weekend with a new pair of mud boots for the Monster. Which was nice because I was using a rotation of three pairs of old shoes for him to try to keep from putting wet shoes directly on him. My rotation did not solve the issue of him heading out the […]
III arrived home from a weekend of duck hunting Sunday morning to a toddler who wanted all of his attention and a list of things I needed done around the farm. Lucky him. In his best effort to multi-task he started with letting the Monster help him plug the tire that keeps going flat on […]
We’ve had a round bale out for the horses for the last week and the mule’s had a flat tire. The Monster let me know last night though that it was definitely time to get back into our normal chore routine. Tigger came along for the ride. The biggest excitement of our afternoon was that […]
So my objective last night had been to put up the Christmas tree after the Monster went to bed and then when he woke up this morning it would have basically just appeared…kind of like Santa’s presents. We did actually manage to get the tree down from the attic, put the base together and the […]
So last night I was cutting up broccoli to roast for supper and as I sliced off a floret out popped this dude… For anyone not familiar, this would be a black widow. Had this happened a few years ago, I would have peed my pants and started to hyperventilate. This dude falling from very […]