It’s been so warm and windy here for the last week that we’ve been misting our mushroom logs several times a day to help keep them from drying out. Last Saturday we noticed that pins were beginning to form on a number of logs. This was exactly two weeks from when we shocked the logs […]
Author Archives: dathoang
For all the people who thought we were crazy but nevertheless sent their toilet paper rolls our way for the last year, this is what we are doing with them. Empty toilet paper rolls from several states have made their way into our garden over the past few weeks. We don’t know if it is […]
Unlike Chacey, the Monster has a great appreciation for compost.
I’m thinking it would be appropriate to rename our farm this year to “Can’t Plant a Straight Row to Save Our Lives” Garden. CPSRSOL for short. We all got a lot done today. Except for the wind, it was beautiful out. Last weekend Jessica and I transplanted a third of the cauliflower and broccoli and […]
This is not what I wanted to see on March 1st. Knowing these poked out of the ground about three weeks earlier than last year’s tulips, I was prepared to see early blooms. I was not prepared for them to be about 5 inches tall. Mini tulip bouquets?
The Monster and I spent most of the morning doing this. He did pretty good for over an hour but then got a little bored at our slow speed and decided his boot was more interesting than tilling. This would be how yesterday’s casualty in the field happened. And I know a few of the people who […]
We had a super productive weekend on the farm thanks to good weather and good help from a few interns. We planted fifty new blackberry plants that came in on Thursday and finished mulching all of the blackberries in the patch. III worked hard to finish trellising all of the blackberries and our little row […]
Up until last week I wouldn’t really say the Monster has slowed me down a whole lot this spring. He’s happy outside, the weather has been nice most of the winter and he takes a long nap in the middle of the day. With a little bit of monster-proofing around the farm, I felt pretty […]
Last April III cut down a few gumball trees and we inoculated about twenty-five logs with shittake mushroom spawn. We drilled holes, tapped in the plugs, stacked and covered the logs, watered them all summer and waited. The instructions recommended letting them sit for 9-12 months. It’s been ten months and we have been anxious […]
Last week I received an email from the media relations office at Hendrix College regarding our involvement in their internship program. So I answered a few questions and the interns answered a few questions and they wrote up a really nice article on their website. Here’s the link: