There was a photographer from the Arkansas Democrat Gazette at the farmers market in Hillcrest on Saturday. He stalked our booth for a while and then told us we were going to get our picture in Sunday’s newspaper. Yay! It’s always nice to have a booth full of flowers. My father-in-law was the first to […]
Author Archives: dathoang
….and last day for spring interns. We had a beautiful day for the opening day of the Hillcrest farmers market. We showed up with LOTS of broccoli, sunflowers, lettuce, sugar snap peas, baby squash, tomato plants and hydrangea bouquets. Despite the fact that the interns’ internship was technically over, they both showed up at the […]
We are excited to spread the word that we will be hosting another spring potluck for two of our online farmers markets on Saturday, May 12 at 5:00. Conway Locally Grown and Arkansas Sustainability Network customers are invited to the party we are putting on in collaboration with our good friends at Falling Sky Farm. We hosted this potluck […]
Tonight I’m wallowing in a little bit of self-pity and mourning the loss of my cornflowers and larkspur. Luckily tomorrow will be so busy getting ready for our first big weekend market that I won’t have time to dwell on the loss, but tonight my feelings are hurt. When we came home from deliveries yesterday […]
The latest Monster game involves dropping all of III’s childhood tractors down the slide so they can crash into each other. Luckily for me, this is amusing for quite a while. I can only hope that as he gets older and plays with bigger tractors I don’t one day find one like this… (photo courtesy: Eddie)
Walking through the eggplant today I saw a familiar sight. Flea beetles. Every year flea beetles hit our eggplant seedlings pretty hard and while I’m sure they set the plants back a little bit, it always seems like the eggplant pushes through and comes on strong. It’s not always pretty along the way though. A […]
A few of my friends know I’m not very good at laying out my garden on paper. Despite my best intentions throughout the winter, come planting time I end up planting whatever needs to get in the field wherever I can get in the field. Last fall I raised a few rows and mulched them […]
Everyone that knows us knows we LOVE to grow sunflowers! They have become our signature crop at every market we’ve attended and we’ve worked really hard to maintain a steady supply of sunflowers throughout the summer. Hopefully this year will be no exception. With the first big market right around the corner for us (next […]