First Day at Hillcrest

….and last day for spring interns.

We had a beautiful day for the opening day of the Hillcrest farmers market.  We showed up with LOTS of broccoli, sunflowers, lettuce, sugar snap peas, baby squash, tomato plants and hydrangea bouquets.  Despite the fact that the interns’ internship was technically over, they both showed up at the crack of dawn to help out and have the chance to sell the produce they labored so hard over for the past few months.

Although we had a slightly smaller turnout than we hoped to see at the opening day, it was good to see old friends and we had a great time selling some beautiful produce.  We are attempting to partner again this year with our friends at Falling Sky Farm, to be able to bring their meat to Hillcrest and have them take our produce to Argenta.  Hopefully we will be able to continue this partnership for the summer.

As this year’s market season really kicks off, I’m sad to see two interns go that helped to give the farm a very positive atmosphere all spring.  I’ve known for a while that while I would miss their help, more than anything I would miss the energy they bring and the company they provide.  I truly hope they benefited even half as much as I did from their experience here on the farm.

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