Caterpillar Tunnel – part 2

III and I decided to wait until the Monster took a nap to finish the caterpillar tunnel.  Working with the wind was hard enough, adding an 18-month old seemed nearly insurmountable.

I was extremely pleased with the finished product.  With roughly 4-5 hours of work into it and $6 worth of supplies we didn’t have in storage we gained quite a bit of room to start more flowers and cool season veggies.

The other nice thing about the tunnel is it can be taken down pretty easily.  That is important around here.  Over the years it seems like no matter how much thought we put into our projects ahead of time we always end up wishing we had put something that is now permanent somewhere else.  It never fails that if we put in a raised bed or a perennial plant of any sort, no matter how far away from the garden it starts it always ends up being in the way for a tractor to turn around eventually.

The finished tunnel.

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