
2022 Farmshare

 2022 Farmshare
***registration for the 2022 Farmshare has closed, please email to check on excess availability as we near the start of the season

What is Farmshare?
Our Farmshare is the foundation of how we sell vegetables from the farm.  It is a subscription agreement in which a family buys a share of what our farm produces during the heart of our growing season.  Twice a year we open this up to families wishing to  join our farm community and enjoy really delicious organic food.
Why a Farmshare?
For us, it truly is about community.  While we are grateful to be part of a large local food movement through the Little Rock markets, we also want to share our vegetables and flowers with our rural neighbors.  The commitment our Farmshare customers make by forming this membership allows us to do this.

For you, we hope it is because you too want to be part of our community.  We hope that it is because you want to know where your food is coming from, who is growing it and how it is being grown.  We know that it is because you want the freshest, healthiest, tastiest vegetables available to you.

What is our Agreement?
By becoming a member you agree to take the time to stop by our farm or the Little Rock pick-up point at the designated times for ten weeks to receive a basket of organic vegetables we have grown and  harvested at the peak of maturity to be enjoyed by your family.  In return, we agree to work our tails off growing you ta variety of organic, fresh vegetables that have been selected based simply on how fantastic they taste. 
What scrumptious vegetables are being grown at Rattle's Garden?
Our crop plan this year includes different varieties of summer squash, heirloom tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, green beans, purple hull peas, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, lettuce, swiss chard, radishes, beets, carrots, eggplant, sweet peppers, okra

When will this subscription begin?  ***New information!
As with all farming, we are dependent on Mother Nature.  In the past we have always planned on starting the Farmshare the first week of May and running for 10 consecutive weeks.  Last year we changed things up a little bit.  While we did not add baskets to the Farmshare (you still have 10 baskets) we added opportunities to get these baskets by extending the length of time our Farmshare season runs.  This seemed to work really well for both customers and the farm.  So this year you will still get 10 baskets of food and we will still guarantee at least 13 (possibly more) opportunities to get those baskets.  
This schedule allows us to get you really great baskets of food whenever we have them.  There are many times in March that we are loaded up with food and I wish the Farmshare was running at the time.  If that happens again this year, your first basket will be in March.  On the opposite end, we have a very hard time getting okra and purple hull peas into the summer baskets because the Farmshare ends too soon in July to catch those crops.  This year it may be possible to have the last basket in late July.  This flexibility takes the stress of wanting 10 consecutive weeks of food to be great off my shoulders, I can simply offer you the baskets as we have the best food available.  On your end, this will also offer you the flexibility to skip weeks if necessary, whether due to life or simply needing to catch up on the food in your fridge.  One will be up to you to use your 10 baskets by the end of July.  
Clear as mud?  Please text or email me with any questions prior to signing up!  
What I need from you to make this work.... 
Communication will definitely be the most challenging aspect of trying to run the Farmshare intermittently.  Communication will be incredibly important.  I will do my best to let you know that a basket is coming up as soon as I possibly can.  I foresee (given weather) the possibility of a basket or two in March, a basket or two in April and then basket opportunities every week in May and June and then a couple in July.  When the time comes, if you want your basket that week, you do nothing but show up and I will have it for you.  The only time you need to communicate anything to me is if you DO NOT want your basket on a given week.  If you do not want your basket, I need you to text or email me 48 hours before your scheduled pick-up day.  
For those of you that are die-hard, every week Farmshare members, if you would like all of your baskets, and then some, go ahead and use your baskets up and I will have a way for you to purchase extra baskets along the way.   
What are the pick-up days/times?
Farm pickup (1780 Hwy 64 East, Vilonia) - Tuesday 9-11 or 4-6
Little Rock pickup (Hillcrest Farmers Market) - Saturday 7:30-9:30

Do you get to pick what you want in your basket?
Not exactly...we'll divide each week's produce up evenly between the baskets to make sure everyone gets variety and the full value of their basket.

What about all of those chickens in our front yard??
We have a new flock of young hens that we expect to start laying in February.  You may purchase an Eggshare, which is good for 1 dozen eggs per week for 10 weeks, running concurrently with your Farmshare baskets.  

One key to the success of our program is always communication!  I will send out a short weekly newsletter to your email address letting you know what you can expect in your basket each week.  This newsletter will start coming out the last week in February to let you know how the growing season is going and when we plan to start pick-ups.  We also want to hear from you...keep us posted on which veggies you love and let us know if something isn't working for you.  We can be reached by text at 501-941-0331 or by email at

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