After quickly scouting the rest of the garden, we also found a mess of them under a pile of tomato clippings I'd pruned off earlier in the day. Torched. Finding them under that pile made a good case for keeping a clean garden and also showed me how I was going to set a blister beetle trap.
And finally, another horde found skeletonizing my edamame.
Because so much of this group was exposed to us rather than hidden down in foliage, we took a different course of action in this area. We used the heaviest hitter in our extremely small arsenal. We sprayed them with an OMRI approved, knock down, pyrethrin compound called Pyganic. Then we watched them do a death dance by flashlight. It was extremely satisfying given that this edamame is not likely to recover from the damage they inflicted. Blister beetles = yuck.
I see Milan is watching from a safe distance...but I'm guessing he's thinking "I can do that"