
Monday, May 14, 2012

Migrant Workers

My migrant workers are leaving tomorrow.

Also known as Monster Milan's grandparents, they are headed north tomorrow.  That's always a sad day for us.  They came down this trip to help us get ready for the potluck for the market customers and babysit so that we could get closer to getting caught up.  We almost made it to being caught up for the moment, but that never lasts long anyway.  My always competitive mother had to show up my 13 year old green bean picker in the bean field...he hasn't been back since.  She also weeded the strawberry bed while my dad helped me take down the snap pea trellising and continue putting up tomato trellising.  This morning dad and crazy Zoey dog ran empty and full buckets of green beans back and forth between the barn and the field for us while we were picking.  

While I definitely will miss their help and company in the field, the Monster will no doubt miss their undivided attention even more.  Until next time....

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