
Friday, February 10, 2012

An Hour in Monster Time

So the day before the broccoli plugs arrived and things started to get busy around here I decided to follow the Monster around the farm for an hour from behind my camera.  No interference.  Today is rainy and yucky outside so it seemed like a good day to post those pictures.

Busy.  Busy.  Busy.


  1. ha! busy indeed. that is awesome. wow- seems like a FULL hour! so much to see... do... explore!

  2. Remember "Family Circle" following the path Billy took...imagine what Milan's path would look like from above! Great pictures!

  3. YOU take the best photos!!!!! I think my favorite is the one of our "Little Man's'" back and his Daddy's boots behind him...soooo sweet and for the captured and active little boy perfectly. Looking forward to seeing all of you tomorrow!
