
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Farm Visits - North Pulaski Farms

The second farm we went to yesterday was another neighbor of mine, North Pulaski Farms.  My friend Kelly is growing vegetables there on about the same amount of land as Eddie and I, yet has an entirely different operation.  He grows under a series of connected high tunnels which allow for extended season of the majority of his produce.

He is also certified organic and has been my "consultant" for questions about the certifying process.  I've been to Kelly's several times, in fact this is some lettuce I transplanted at his place back in November??

So the Monster and I hung back with dogs while Kelly gave the interns a tour of the farm and answered their questions.

Then, there is Samson.  

This dog won my heart last fall when he dropped his tennis ball at the Monster's feet and nudged it a little closer with his nose till the Monster picked it up.  

He didn't even mind that the Monster could only throw it about two feet away.  We planned on showing Samson how much the Monster's throwing ability had improved but Kelly has more visitors show up as we were ending the tour.  

I did get to see a sight I never would have believed had I not seen it with my own eyes.

That big dog was hauling ass!

Finally, again, just as we were about to leave, the Monster found something familiar.  vmmmm.  vmmmm.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like Robert needs to join you on one of those tours, too
