
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Photo Book Finished

After staring at my computer screen and almost nothing else (well, you know, except the Monster, and his toys and books and dirty diapers) for two days I finally finished my massive one hundred page 12x12 photo book with a mere two hours to spare before shutterfly's midnight deadline on their half-price sale.  I thought I had made it easy on myself by uploading a month's worth of photos at the end of every month all year long (last year I missed the half-price deadline because my computer practically melted down after 24 hours of straight uploading photos).  While I definitely bought myself a little time with this practice, I did not realize how mentally exhausting looking at nearly 2000 photos would be with a 16-month old hanging over my shoulder.  I now have plans to improve on this for next year.

In the meantime, my tulip bulbs arrived yesterday.  The only thing that alleviated my guilt over working on photobooks rather than putting tulip bulbs in the ground is that we have so much standing water that any time I step foot near the garden I sink up to my knees.  I knew this was a chance I'd be taking by having the bulbs arrive in December.  We'll see if enough dry days can be strung together to allow me to get 1300 bulbs in the ground anytime soon.


  1. You know what they say about "best laid plans"

  2. I also think it's funny that you actually think next year will be easier---instead of 16 month old, you will be chasing a 28 month old! Of course, if you want to live in fantasy land, that's ok!
